Wednesday, 23 April 2008

I Need Your Help

Two of my speciality topics are self esteem and confidence. I have come from having zero of each and have discovered a way to gain both very very quickly. All the counselling and self help books I read had little effect. I embarked on a course to help myself.

And I did. What I discovered changed my life - and almost instantly. I applied my concept to helping others deal with such problems as depression, drug abuse, violence, weight disorders, obsessive compulsive problems, anxiety and feeling a victim. The results, in most cases, have been amazing. So much so that I have decided to make it available to a bigger audience.

I'm about to put together a new product relating to self esteem and confidence. To ensure I help people in the best possible way, I need your help.

If you could spend five minutes with me and ask any two questions on this topic, what would they be? What information would you most like to know about self esteem and confidence that could help you or a loved one?

Send me an email at

Thank you for your help.

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