Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Take Control Of Your Thinking

For most people, their mind (and their thoughts) controls them rather than them controlling their mind.

In order to take control of your thinking, it is important to know how to do it. It is easy to let your thinking do its own thing and go where it wants. The problem is, it may just be heading in the wrong direction ... and the results can be disastrous.

Let me explain. Think of your mind being like a glass bowl and into this bowl you place positive and negative thoughts. Lets associate positive thoughts with white beads and negative thoughts with black beads.

When something goes wrong or something happens that you do not like, you begin to dwell on it (and place black beads in the bowl). The more you dwell on it, the more negative energy you give it so you emotionally head in a downward direction (as the black beads outweigh the white ones).

As an example, if you focus on how a person has told fibs about what you have done or said, the more you think about it, the angrier you become. You can hang onto this anger for hours, days, weeks, months or even years.

The problem with negative thinking is it mostly produces more negative thinking. You are simply adding black beads to your bowl en masse.

And the thing to recognise is, when you go to sleep and awaken in the morning, you do not start with a clean slate. You begin the day with what you went to sleep with. If your thinking has been negative, while a new day can begin with some positive thoughts, it will not take much to go wrong for the negative thoughts to reappear.

Ask someone how they feel first thing in the morning and there is a good chance you will not receive too many positive responses. Even the response "Okay" is not what I call positive.

When you are depressed, stressed or worried about things, you are simply adding black beads to your bowl. The more black beads you add, the worse you feel.

People who are depressed for many years have trouble overcoming their depression as they constantly add black beads to their bowl. They can reach a point where their system becomes so stressed (too many black beads), they often end up with a chemical imbalance or a break-down. The majority of people have far more black beads in their bowl than white. We are conditioned to think negative. When asked what is going wrong in their life, most people can list more than ten things. When asked what is going right, they will list one or two things or say "not much".

The Importance of Positive Thinking

Analysis of tear drops shows the chemical composition of your tear drops when you cry tears of sadness is completely different to when you cry tears of happiness. With every thought, you have chemicals released into your body. Sad thoughts produce sad chemicals; angry thoughts, angry chemicals; happy thoughts, happy chemicals.

The only chemicals that produce peace, harmony, good health and lots of energy are happy chemicals.

To get these happy chemicals, you need to have positive thoughts.

If positive thinking is not working, you may need to resolve some negative programming from your past and turn hurtful memories into ones that can empower you. Make the memory work to your advantage - how can that experience make you a better person or what have you learnt since so, if the same thing happened again, you would deal with it in a positive way?

In other words, turn the black beads into white ones. Monitor your thoughts so you produce positive thoughts that are going to work for you in an empowering way.