Wednesday, 22 October 2008

How Depressing!

Every day, the news is full of the Wall Street - Stock Market - crash and how it impacts on us.

I often hear people speaking of how much money they have lost in shares, how tough things are and how tough they are going to get.

If you have money invested, you may find yourself worrying about your future.

Here's my take on it (which is a little different) ...

Problem v's Solution

Every problem has a solution. If you continue to focus on the problem, will it get better or worse?

Worse. What you focus on expands. The more you focus on how tough things are, the worse they become.

Worrying about it is not going to produce a new result. It will only make you feel emotionally worse - even depressed.

Shift your focus to the solution.

What can you do to "ride out the storm"?
What strategies can you put into place?
What are the thoughts you need to have?

From Another Perspective

The Law of Attraction states that what you think and feel, you draw to yourself.

If you focus on "loss", you draw more loss to you. If you focus on how financially tight things are, you attract more financial hardship.

See what you do have in terms of abundance and wealth.

You may be saying "I'm not wealthy".

If you are not wealthy, you must be poor. Seeing yourself as "poor" will cause you to think and act as a poor person - thus attracting more of the same!

If you see yourself in this way, it may be time to do a stock-take of your life. What do you own? What are you worth? How much money do you have in the bank and invested? Make a list.

Create a base for what you do have and then find ways to build on this. How can you earn more money? (We found a neat way that anyone can do and I will share this with you in a few weeks). In other words, what do you have to do to get through?

You may even say an affirmation, like
"Money flows easily to me"
"I receive unexpected cheques in the mail."

In summary, keep your thinking positive with what you do have and what you can do with what you have.

If you do have financial problems, get some financial counselling or consult with a financial planner. Remember, sooner is better than later.

Also, most of the "experts" say this financial situation is going to turn around. What strategies do you need to have in place to get yourself through?

Warren Buffett, regarded as one of the World's richest men, has an interesting outlook on the current crisis:

"A simple rule dictates me buying. Be fearful when others are greedy, and be greedy when others are fearful".

Thursday, 9 October 2008

Great Memory

Many years ago I wrote an article on how to have great memory. I thought it would be great to share this with you as I am consulting with many who would like to improve this area of their life.

The only problem is, I've forgotten where I put it!

Good memory is something that is available to everyone - provided you do not have a medical condition that impairs it.

Nine ways to achieve a great memory:

1. Tell yourself you have great memory. Many say, "My memory is hopeless" and "I'm so forgetful". What you think becomes self-fulfilling. You will never disappoint yourself. To have great memory, you first have to see yourself achieving it.

2. Relax. Most people place themselves under pressure when they need to remember something. The more pressure you place yourself under, the less chance you have of remembering it. A good example is exams. People who place themselves under pressure generally have "their mind go blank".

3. Talk to yourself in terms of what you want. Instead of saying "I have forgotten". Say "Relax. The information is popping into my mind". When you have forgotten some-one's name, tell yourself this and your mind instantly begins a memory search. You will be surprised how well it works.

4. Place energy into that which you would like to remember. Many people, especially those involved in business, have too many things happening at the same time. If you are reading an article while someone is speaking with you, there is a great chance you will remember little about both. Too much is going on.

Good memory comes from giving that which you would like to remember your full attention.

5. Have repetition. You learnt your 5 times table through repetition. When I meet people for the first time, I constantly repeat their name verbally and under my breath.

6. Drink plenty of water. Water hydrates you and helps improve your memory. And No, alcohol does not count as water. Alcohol dehydrates your body and messes with your thinking. Other liquids to avoid include soft drinks (as they contain sugar) and caffeine.

7. Eat memory foods. According to Keith Lugton, a naturopath, the best brain foods are green vegetables (especially the ones that contain folic acid) and fish. The ones to avoid are junk foods and especially those high in sugar. Keith says beware of those foods that easily covert to sugar - like pasta and potatoes. 1 bowl of pasta is equivalent to a 7oz glass of sugar!

8. Take supplements. Some supplements can help with your memory. Keith says the main ones include fish oil, folic acid, a good multi-vitamin and Vitamin C with bioflavonoids. Herbs such as Gingko Biloba, Bacopa, Dotu Kola can enhance mental alertness, clarity and memory.

**Importantly, if you are taking any medication, please consult with your doctor before taking supplements as some may react with your medication.**

9. Hypnosis/meditation. I often use hypnosis with students who are about to sit exams to (i) alleviate the fear, pressure and tension, and (ii) give them great memory by placing suggestions in their subconscious that they will remember the information they have learnt.