To make matters worse, Jay thought her sister was one of her best friends. It had now developed into sisterly feud. Jay's sister didn't care what Jay thought or said as she had what she wanted.
In consultation, Jay commented: "She is not allowed to do this to me. I'm entitled to half the jewellery. She's not allowed to say the awful things she's been saying".
Another good example is a separated parent that does not want to have contact with their child. While the parent with the child may want the separated partner to be a part of the child's life, the separated partner refuses to have contact. The result is generally a big argument between the two parents.
Should the separated parent have contact? Ideally, yes. If the separated parent decides not to, you have to deal with what is - or try and change it.
Where has someone done something to you or said something about you that you are not happy with?
They may be someone close like a family member or friend. They may be someone you don't even know. They may have degraded you or said something about you that you do not like. They may have done something that affects you.
You may find yourself saying "They are not allowed to say or do that".
The cold hard fact is, whether you like it or not, people are allowed to say and do whatever they like.
While you may have high standards and not purposely do or say something that you know will affect others, it doesn't mean others are going to live by your standards. They will live by their standards. They will do and say what they think is going to work for them and whatever makes them feel good.
You have no control over others. You do have control over what you think and do.
In an ideal world:
(i) Should Jay's sister have taken most of the jewellery? No.
(ii) Should Jay's sister tell others lies about Jay and what had happened? No.
The fact is, she has taken the jewellery and told the lies. Jay has to come to terms with this and deal with it.
All through life, some people are going to do the wrong by you in some way. While you may get angry with what they do or say, there is a good chance this will not change them.
Identify what you do have control over - your thinking and what you say and do. Look at what your options are and select one that is going to work for you and give you peace of mind.
In Jay's case, it is important to identify all the things she can do to get half of her mother's jewellery. If nothing works, she has to go to the next level and change her attitude to the current situation. If she fails to, where will she be in 6 months time, 12 months or 5 years time? She will be bitter and vengeful - and is this state going to work for her or against her?
It is important to deal with what others say or do so you are no longer reacting to them. This puts you back in control.
If you would like any help in this area, please feel free to contact us.