Wednesday, 18 July 2007

I'm a worrier

Research shows over 90% of the things people worry about never occur.

Think about what you worry about. Make a list.

When you worry about something, you can either change it or you can't.

If you can, do so.

If you can't, put it on hold until such time as you can.

Wednesday, 11 July 2007


How do I know if I have depression?
- from Julie C

I had depression for many years to the point where life was really tough. It began when a lady I was in a relationship with left me another man. My whole world feel apart. Later, the break-up of another relationship and the loss of a job within 2 weeks caused me to hit rock bottom. I began studying how to take control of my thinking so I could succeed and, over the past 20 years, have come up with some asy ways of fixing some of life's problems.

There are many definitions of depression. Mine is simple:

Depression is having a problem with no solution.

As soon as you have a problem with no solution, you begin to go in circles. It's like a dog chasing it's tail, hitting your head against a brick wall, going no-where. When there are no solutions, you reach a point where you begin to spiral downwards and can eventually think you are entering a "black hole".

Things that may cause depression are a relationship breakup, not having any money, the death of someone who was close to you and losing your job or business. It can also be caused by low self esteem/self worth, a lack of confidence and placing a high expectation on yourself to perform and not achieving it.

When there are no solutions, you think negative thoughts. The more you focus on the negative, the worse things become.

Some symptoms include:
* A feeling of hopelessness or not coping.
* Despair.
* Problems sleeping or can't/don't want to get out of bed.
* Want to stay home all the time and keep to yourself.
* May feel scared to be left alone.
* Feeling exhausted with no energy.
* Magnify insignificant events.
* May not eat or "comfort eat" to excess.
* May resort to alcohol or drugs.

For more symptoms and how to deal with this, go to